
Collaboration with Edicions Reremús

The Angelus Novus Foundation has started publishing books in co-edition with Editions Reremús, to generate knowledge and spread Benjamin's thinking, and interpretations of his writings.




Featured publications

WALTER BENJAMIN. Art I literature de masses. [Mass art and literature]. Translation by Antoni Pous, 2020, 180 p. Cover: drawing by Sacha Brylla. ISBN: 978-84-120578-5-0

First translation of Walter Benjamin's texts from German to Catalan in 1968, revised. It includes The work of art in the time of its technical reproducibility (1935); Paris, the capital of the 19th century (1935); About Baudelaire's motives (1939), About the language in general and about the language of men (1916); The work of the translator (1921) and Theses on the philosophy of history (1940). Essential book to introduce yourself to the work of this intellectual and understand six fundamental texts of thought Benjaminian in relation to modernity, language and history.

WALTER BENJAMIN. Art I literature de masses. [Mass art and literature]. Translation by Antoni Pous, 2020

180 p. Cover: drawing by Sacha Brylla. ISBN: 978-84-120578-5-0

LISA FITTKO. La meva travessia dels Pirineus [Escape throught the Pyrenees]. Translation by Anna Maria Corredor, 2021, 298 p. Cover: photo by Isa Fontbona. ISBN: 978-84-124252-1-5

First translation into Catalan of the testimony of Lisa Fittko (Uzhhord, Hungary, 1909 – Chicago, 2005) that Walter Benjamin wrote in the crossing on foot of the Pyrenees. She is considered a heroine for having helped to escape many fugitives from France occupied by the Nazis during the Second World War. Cultured, brave woman, born into a Jewish family, active in the spheres of cultural life, first in Vienna and then in Berlin, where he lived through the rise of Nazism and made the commitment fight against fascism. Between September 1940 and April 1941 they helped to cross the Pyrenees in the direction of Spain more than a hundred fugitives pursued with the connivance of the French. His first client was Walter Benjamin (Berlin, 1892-Portbou, 1940), who invited Mrs. Henny Gurland and her son Joseph to cross with him. It is the first time that Lisa Fittko, inexperienced in the area, crosses the Pyrenees on a path of smugglers advised by the then mayor of Banyuls, Vincent Azéma, and which coincides more or less, with the so-called Route Líster  in the Spanish Civil War, Route F., and later it will be known by Route Walter Benjamin, the German thinker who commits suicide in Portbou, once he knows that the day after his arrival he will be repatriated and returned in France. She dedicates to him the chapter "The old Benjamin".

LISA FITTKO. La meva travessia dels Pirineus [Escape throught the Pyrenees]. Translation by Anna Maria Corredor, 2021

298 p. Cover: photo by Isa Fontbona. ISBN: 978-84-124252-1-5

PAUL CELAN AND WALTER BENJAMIN. Poems by Paul Celan translated by Antoni Pous. Introduction as well as Pous. Prologue by Maria Mailat. Translation of the prologue from French to Catalan: Pilar Parcerisas, 2022, 117 p. Cover: cartoon by Angel Boligan. ISBN: 978-84-124252-7-7

Walter Benjamin and Paul Celan. His parentage is based on a prerequisite; they are Jews and as Jews their works belong to all humanity, to the community of people without hope for those who invented hope. The book includes Paul Celan’s poems from the books Mohn und Gedächtnis (1951), Von Schwelle zu Schwelle (1955), Atemwende (1967), Fadensonnen (1968) and Lichtzwang (1970) and Schneepart (1971) Portbou – German?  is the poem that Celan dedicates to Benjamin and that we meet again for the first time in Catalan in this book translated by Arnau Ferré Samon. The publication of the poems is bilingual Catalan/German. The prologue by María Maïlat deepens and clarifies the affinities between both poets with the backdrop of the history.

PAUL CELAN AND WALTER BENJAMIN. Poems by Paul Celan translated by Antoni Pous. Introduction as well as Pous. Prologue by Maria Mailat. Translation of the prologue from French to Catalan: Pilar Parcerisas, 2022

117 p. Cover: cartoon by Angel Boligan. ISBN: 978-84-124252-7-7

AGNES SINAÍ. Walter Benjamin & la tempesta del progress[Walter Benjmain. The Storm of Progress] 2023, 94 p. Cover; drawing by Frédéric Pajak. ISBN: 978-84-126622-3-8

Walter Benjamin is, in today's eyes, a pioneer of the new line of thought that covers the theory of “decroissance”. His intuition, in the last months of his life, before of being overcome by fatigue and the persecution of the Gestapo, he was allowed to write some theses against the ideology of progress. Denunciation that the infinite growth in the future it wouldn't be possible. The emergency brake should be activated. The production and consumption of materials would not be sustainable in a world with limited resources. Agnes Sinai tells us of a Benjamin who speaks out against the ideology of progress, against productivism and commodity fetishism, against the loss of experience and the sensible world, criticizes alienated work, the emptiness of time progress and catastrophe. The author accompanies her reflection with a selection of fragments of six texts by Walter Benjamin.

AGNES SINAÍ. Walter Benjamin & la tempesta del progress[Walter Benjmain. The Storm of Progress] 2023

94 p. Cover; drawing by Frédéric Pajak. ISBN: 978-84-126622-3-8

How to acquire the works?

Distribution in bookstores and acquisitions on the web: or contact the Foundation Angelus Novus: